I Could Have Danced All Night…


“I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night And still have begged for more I could have spread my wings and done a thousand things I’ve never done before”.  Read more: MY FAIR LADY – I COULD HAVE DANCED ALL NIGHT LYRICS

When I was a little girl I loved My Fair Lady, I loved the movie,  the musical and knew all the songs.  I’m a closet show tune fan, don’t hold it against me.  None the less, tonight My Fair Lady popped in my head and this song was ringing loudly between my ears.  I could have danced all night, I could have danced all night…

Tonight was the first official Yogi Gypsy event and it was epic. Twelve individuals some who knew each other, others who didn’t all gathered together to experience a sunset paddle board yoga and picnic at the Carlsbad Lagoon.

The evening started with a quick demo on the sand and then everyone paddled out to the calmest part of the sea for a 75 min paddle board flow – the group cat-cowed, lunged, Chaturanga and savasana under the pre-sunset sky and the cool crisp air.  For many of them it was their first time paddle boarding or even doing yoga – what a wonderful way to be introduced to both.  After the flow we all gathered back on the beach where we dined, drank, toasted and cheered our accomplishments; a sense of empowerment swept through the group as laughter and comments of  “I can’t believe I did it” and “Oh my god I can’t believe I didn’t fall in” could be heard. I could have danced all night…. I could have danced all night…

We sat on the beach enjoying a fabulous feast, the menu included: grilled veggies, grilled Margarita style pizza, collard green wraps (a big hit!), fruit salad; and for dessert – Meyer lemon lemon bars and grilled peaches with creme` fraiche (a HUGE hit!).  For drinks we had cold-pressed juice provided by Luminosity, sparkling pear cider and fruit flavored water.  Everyone loved it, my heart was ready to jump out of my chest it was so overwhelmed with appreciation.

Yogi Gypsy began as a simple blog about well… ME and now it has turned into this beautiful ‘thing’ that I’m able to share with many others.  A woman asked me tonight, “So what is a yogi gypsy?” and like honey smoothly pouring off my lips I said, “A Yogi Gypsy is a person who takes their yoga out of their comfort zone –  where the world is their studio and the ground beneath them their mat.”

The night was made complete by the musical accompaniment of Graham Hadidian– his voice like butter and the way he strings his acoustic guitar like a beautiful melody for your ears.  As the evening wind down we chilled on the beach enjoying our food and drink and listening to Graham play.  In my opinion this was the perfect finishing touch.  I could have danced all night… I could danced all night and still have begged for more….

The night went by so fast and before I knew it the time had come for us to pack up our little beach haven and head home.  One by one my beautiful, strong yogis said their thank yous and wished us good night.  And although I could have danced all night with them there was a bitter-sweetness to saying goodbye because I knew that now it was time to plan the next event!

I want to give a BIG shout – out and ENORMOUS thank you to the following people involved: re:Form YOGA for your support, thank you for giving me the platform and trusting me to take my crazy ideas and fly.  Floating Yogis thank you for being such awesome teachers and guiding us on a truly memorable paddle board flow. Luminosity thank you for always showing up and being YOU, truly authentic and bringing your passion of health and wellness to share.  And last (but not least) my incredible mom, who no matter how crazy my ideas are she is always there to support me, help out and be my quiet cheerleader in the background – not to mention the most awesome Yogi Gypsy staff Photographer.  My heart is filled with so much love and gratitude for everyone of you that showed up, gave it your all and embraced it.  Thank you!

For more information on Yogi Gypsy events please ‘LIKE‘ us on Facebook and join our MeetUp Group.  Most events are all levels unless otherwise stated and pre-registration is a must! See you at the next event!

peace + love, YG

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